eg. i have a method call like this
public GetFoo(out string someData) {}
To specify that we have out parameter we need to use the ParameterModifier class
ParameterModifier[] arrPmods = new ParameterModifier[1];
aMods[0] = new ParameterModifier(1);
aMods[0][0] = true; // out
Not sure why we need to set a second index to true here but it works. Its to do with the fact that its late binding!!
You then need to set up a type array to specify what you are passing in so for this example it would be
Type[] aTypes[] = new Type[1];
aTypes.SetValue(Type.GetType("System.String&"), 0)
Now you can get the method information by using
MethodInfo miGetFoo = object.GetType().GetMethod("GetFoo", aTypes, aMods);
Where object has a method called GetFoo
Now all we need to do is create an array of objects but set the ParameterModifiers
miGetFoo.Invoke(object, aObj)
Get the string value
someData= (string)aObj[0]